Monday, April 30, 2007

The girl's room

Here's what I have done so far in the girl's room. It looks pretty good now. We framed some pictures that they drew. I like how that looks. I would like to find some vintage things in these colors to add some "age" and atmosphere. I still feel like it is a lot of green. What about stripes on the top half? Or maybe polka dots?


Matt & Nicki said...

I really like the pink ribbon on the lampshade and the curtains-very cute! As for decorating the walls--you will have to check with Beth Stamper, but I like stripes--Ella's new room looks great with stripes:)

the J Force said...

I love the polk a dot idea! Stripes are good too Nicki. The curtains look great!

6packB said...

I was thinking polka dots too. It would be easier than stripes - more random. Would you do them in a paler green? or pink? Am afraid to mess it up!

Esther said...

I'm liking the polka dot idea - that gets my vote. I think pink - but that's even a little ify coming from me, trust someone who knows more about these things! As for doing it - good luck with that. Let me know how it turns out!! :)

Macksgirl said...

This room looks so great- seriously... Can I hire you to come to my house?? I think the stripes would be great (granted, much more time-consuming than polka-dots). You could keep nice wide stripes of the dark green, then narrower stripes of a few other colors in the room. I was thinking about doing that in the baby's room. You first...let me know how it goes ;)

the J Force said...

I think you should do both colors -some pink, some pale green. Maybe even a yellow or white one - I know it's a little crazy - but consider the source

the johnson crew said...

i would not change a thing. i LOVE the solid green. - the details on the curtains are beautiful and i love how you framed their pictures. beautiful!


kellyH said...

I was just at babies 'r us and they have adhesive stickers to put on the walls and one option is polka dots. they were pretty cheap too, so you might check it out as something easy, but different to put on the walls!