Friday, November 14, 2008

Favorite Things

I like the vintage kitchen gadjets on this bright yellow.
This isn't really one of my favorite things. These are sports cards that Josh has collected for years. I bought the display cases for him for his birthday. This is the wall that used to be dark varnished wood. I like the painted plank look. The color of this wall is more gold than this photo shows.

This shelf has old marbles in a jar from my dad when he was a boy. I redid these curtains for the playroom from some cheap tablecloths that I found. I love the fabric. this tv cabinet was someone else's throw away.

This is an old tin I liked and framed it with an old cheapy wood shelf from goodwill that looks great painted.

This wall really is gold not peach! Love the glassless window.

1 comment:

Matt & Nicki said...

where did you find the old kitchen utensils--they are perfect for your colors in the kitchen! Looks good--wait until Beth sees this.