Friday, January 5, 2007


View from the dining room. These are actually cherry cabinets updated by a previous owner. I will remove the pear border and probably paint that a bright color.


Matt & Nicki said...

PAINT?!! YOU?!! I don't believe it;) It's good to see your green fiesta-ware in your kitchen again.

Beth said...

I have an idea for you. Paint the pear part white or something and paint the ceiling where the light is and the part of the ceiling under the pear border (does that make sense?) a color! I've seen painted celings recently and love it. Just an idea since there wouldn't be much wall to paint and you may want more color in there?

Beth said...

Nice little shelf above the stove. I noticed right away that you hung the little candle holders over the sink again and that you hung them both at the same height even though the one on the right has to hang below the cabinet. It looks good! I LOVE (am I saying that word too much?) how you can look through to the play/school kids room! That's very convenient.

6packB said...

I love the paint idea. i can't paint the whole ceiling but I can do the part with the recessed lighing. I could paint the drop part of the ceiling and the part with the pears. That would have even more input. Shoud i do yellow again?

Esther said...

Nice kitchen! So you have plans to do some painting in the kitchen - is that the only room you haven't done or were all the other rooms already painted? So much of the color looks like something you would pick - but that would mean that you've done A LOT of painting since you've been there.

Esther said...

Okay - so now I've viewed and read the posts on all the other rooms and the painting wasn't done by you. And as you describe it all, I recognize that my "looks like something you would pick" reveals how little I truly know about you. So you really moved out east to get away from me (that really annoying person who thinks she's everyone's best friend but doesn't have a clue) - but then you found out that we were moving and you could have stayed and had all your real friends. Sorry guys - it's my fault!

Really though - it is a beautiful house and someone obviously had some creativity and vision for the colors/designs they did and you've added your personal touch that works with most of it. Are you anxious to get it completely personalized to you?

6packB said...

Es, Believe it or not most people say how nice the colors are and they are not horrible at all. most of them I am not in any real hurry to get to except as you say to make it feel like my own. the colors are almost perfect but not quite and you can't really see that in these picts. the greens in the house are pretty but a slightly different green than what I have. so you know how that looks - like something is just a little off. i think the people who owned it before the last owner (she owned it two years and did nothing) did a lot of really nice things.

JAMB CO. said...

I loved your yellow. I think it would need to be a yellow that goes with the orange you may paint in the playroom. beth

Macksgirl said...

LOVE the kitchen- it is great! I love yellow in kitchens! A comment about painting the ceiling- I also like painted ceilings but I have just moved into a house where every ceiling is painted, mostly colors I don't like. To change them is going to require both priming and painting the ceiling- not fun! It looks great when done right, just make sure you are committed or it will be alot of work for you!